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Doudou, what it is and how to use it

Newborn Doudou 

The best friend for bedtime!

An essential object from the very first months of life, the doudou is much more than a toy for the newborn . Let's find out together what it is, what it is for and why little ones appreciate it so much.

First of all… what is a doudou ?

The French word may not mean anything to you, but if we mention Linus' blanket you will surely understand what we are talking about. The doudou is exactly this, a cloth that can instill tranquility in your newborn baby.

What is it for?

To sleep, play and not miss mom and dad. For small children this object is used to perceive the smell of their parents if they go away for a moment. This will calm them down and know that you are always close to him/her.

Doudou newborn : what is it made of?

It usually takes the form of a stuffed animal with a soft handkerchief attached to hug. In short, it is also cute to look at!

On the Nannafrufrù online shop we offer you a wide range of colorful and easy to wash . Buy our cheerful bunny-shaped cuddly toys , also perfect as a gift idea.

Our suggestion is to have two of the same, so if one gets lost you can easily replace it. We assure you that your little one will become very fond of this simple piece of fabric and will never want to part with it!

How to use it?

Since he needs to take on his mother's smell, it is advisable to keep him in your bed. doudou for newborns already a few months before the baby is born.

Then, starting from three or four months, you can put him in the cradle . This way the baby will sleep peacefully because it will be like having you next to him.

Later, this piece of cloth will have the function of atransitional object , because it will be the first thing with which he will learn about the outside world.

In short , it will accompany him throughout the first months of growth and, in some cases, up to nursery school, when he will have to separate from his parents for the first time (even if we know that you will be the most worried ones!).

How to choose the best doudou ?

It doesn't matter if it's in the shape of a teddy bear, a bunny, or something else, as long as it's safe. We at Nannafrufrù recommend that you focus on natural fabrics , such as organic cotton and bamboo. These are delicate and don't irritate children's sensitive skin.

Last but not least , it is important that there are no parts that can come off or be swallowed by mistake. This way, the little one can play in complete safety!

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