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Cachemirefrufrù is the philosophy of research of the materials used to create our products. It is our choice to respect the environment, thanks to the use of fibers with low environmental impact, such as organic cotton, raw cotton, wool, bamboo and our new friend: cashmere.

Cashmere, the golden fiber of the textile world, has unique properties. It is obtained by combing the fleece of Hircus goats that live on the highlands of Asia. The best quality Cashmere is produced in the regions of the Helan Mountains, Ningxia, Chinese Mongolia and the desert areas of the Mongolian People's Republic. In order to survive the low temperatures of those lands, this animal has developed a very soft and very fine undercoat under the thicker and coarser guard hairs. This undercoat, also known as down, is cashmere. Down acts as a true thermal insulator, a fiber closely linked to the harsh climatic conditions in which the animal lives.

In Mongolia, where Hircus goats live, the lifestyle and harmony between man and nature are fundamental characteristics. An extraordinary relationship binds these animals, who carry so much preciousness on their shoulders, to their breeders who consequently have developed a harvesting process, almost a ritual, that has been repeated every year for centuries.

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